The project No. 2017-1-BG01-KA103-035825 is funded by Erasmus+ programme, KA 103 of the European Union. The beneficiary of the projects is the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov (Bulgaria). The mobility project consists of 27 outgoing staff mobility flows (incl.10 mobility flows for training and 17 mobility flows for teaching) and 19 outgoing student mobility flows (incl. 9 mobility flows for studies and 10 mobility flows for traineeships). 60% of staff mobilities for training are aimed to developing pedagogical and syllabus and curriculum design skills. In geographical point of view, the mobility flows are organised between the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics and its partner-universities from 15 Programme countries. In student mobility activities, students from first and second study cycle have taken part. Their gender distribution is as follows: 14 female and 5 males. In staff mobility activities, 4 administrative staff and 23 academic staff representatives have taken part. Their gender distribution is as follows: 19 females and 8 males. The basic objectives of the project are to: improve the knowledge about the Erasmus+ programme and inform staff and students of the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics, Svishtov (Bulgaria) about the new issues in Erasmus+ programme 2014-2020; make the programme more popular within the academic society and promote European values within them; enhance the international dimension of higher education through cooperation with HEI from EU with the aim to take part in future multi-partner projects and build up educational and scientific networks; support career development of students and staff; develop a new, mobile, demanding and open-minded academic society with European values and transferrable skills. In order to increase the mobility choice options for incoming and outgoing mobility, the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics portfolio of partner-universities is extended during the reported period. In accordance with its internationalisation strategy and university strategic plan for the period 2016-2020, 6 new inter-institutional mobility agreements are signed with HEIs from Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey and Italy. As a result of the individual mobilities some spin-off effects are reported: reinforcement of the cooperation and building up professional networks; co-organisation of joint events; attraction of foreign students and staff for incoming mobility; discussing the potentials and opportunities for joint participation projects within the framework of operational programmes; improving partners' knowledge about scientific journals, publishing requirements and PhD programmes offered by the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics; discussing the potentials and opportunities for participation in scientific networks, as well as launching double-degree.